Happy New 31,536,000 GRIN seconds !! 😉
Bitcoin was referenced by Satoshi as a "timechain"
Grin was designed so that it's units are divisible by timeツ A new Grin is emitted every second. How much timeツ have you saved?

How much time ツ will you save at 2023 ?
We said farewell to 2022. Grin is healthy and (still not dead! ), ready for new achievements and milestones.
Year 2023 is the year of the developments. Grin is setting itself for the succesful beginning and new challenges. Grin's core purpose remains still same; a global accessible, private, scalable and fungible, censorship resistant coin. Grin’s open-source code and grassroots community makes it distinguishable from others.
GRIN Philosophy 📜
Grin likes itself small and easy on the eyes. It wants to be inclusive and welcoming for all walks of life, without judgement. Grin is terribly ambitious, but not at the detriment of others, rather to further us all. It may have strong opinions to stay in line with its objectives, which doesn't mean disrespect of others' ideas.
We believe in pull requests, data and scientific research. We do not believe in unfounded beliefs.
2023 Outlook 🔭 DEVELOPMENTS
In crypto space, there is too much competition, success requires too much effort for a decentralized project. To position Grin for long-term success and wide acceptance, significant developments needs to be done.
Grin Core Team's Integrated GUI for both Grin Wallet and Grin Node. In contrast to most Grin development, Grin GUI is being developed on Windows, with Windows being the first-class citizen. MacOS and Linux will of course also be supported.
* UI Framework iced-rs has been selected.
* Overall structure of project is in place based on ajour as a sample project.
* Some refactoring of project structure to better separate GUI elements & events
* Theming, localization, UI scaling is in place.
* Windows systray functionality in place.
CoinSwap, an implementation that obscures the transaction graph and eliminates linkability, is one of the most significant development that is being worked on.
As a result, a Grin tx might potentially have the highest amount of secrecy and fungibility compared to its contemporaries.
A possible design for a ``trustless’’ Mimblewimble CoinSwap service to which users submit self spend data throughout the day (or hour or any desired period) which are validated, aggregated, and published at the end of the day.
Coins swaps are useful for obfuscating the Mimblewimble transaction graph. They can be applied to self spending outputs that were recently received, or to self-spends resulting from canceled/aborted transactions. The lack of urgency of such self spends lends itself well to the slow nature (and possible failure) of coinswaps.
J. Tromp
It is composed of three milestones, and the second one has already been reached; the third milestone is about to get underway.
Ledger Nano Hardware Wallet integration ✔️
‘‘Grin can now be used with Ledger hardware wallets! You can install the Grin hardware wallet app onto Ledger Nano S and Ledger Nano S Plus hardware wallets by going here with a web browser that supports WebUSB, like Google Chrome.
Ledger Live Desktop and Ledger Live Mobile with Grin support can be downloaded here. ‘‘
Official Ledger Live Desktop and Ledger Live Mobile releases is now complete, waiting for Ledger to finish auditing the code and merging in the changes.
PIBD is a new way for peers to send messages to each other that is needed for a new way to synchronize. It will let the data be downloaded and checked in batches from multiple peers at the same time. This will make syncing faster and more reliable overall.
At the moment, PIBD is running on testnet, and mainnet is set to start at the end of 2023.
🔗 [Github]
Grin MimbleWimble RUST
Grin MimbleWimble C++
And 3rd implementation will come with Grinventions building the first version of the Mimblewimble protocol that runs on Python. This means python-based wallets and nodes for grin, plugins, payment channels and wider Grin crypto ecosystem, research and more developers, since Python is a programming language that has a short learning curve and is utilized by a significant number of software developers all over the world.
A bounty for Python cffi secp256k1-zkp wrapper already completed !
Grin++ APIs, CLI version of Grin++ ✔️
To facilitate the development of additional applications on top of Grin++, both now and in the future, @ davidtavarez will be working to extend the Grin++ APIs, update the CLI version of Grin++ and enhance the Grin++ documentation. So that developers in the ecosystem can build on top of Grin without having to choose between the Rust and C++ implementations.
Already started on December 2022! 4 months period from January to April 2023.
‘‘At the end of this period the CLI version should be usable connecting to the up-to-date APIs.‘‘
2023 MEME Contest !
We are kicking off 2023 with a meme contest; details are available on the forum.
You may contribute to the fund, vote on the memes, or post your own Grin-related memes!
🔗 [Forum]
Open Bounty opportunities
Grin Bulletin Board: Discussing three options and select one for bounty:
Design and code previously-introduced idea for Grin Bulletin Board or create your own.
Audit the Atomic Swap repo for functionality and completeness:
If interested, reach out on the forum , introduce yourself and begin discussion today!
1 BTC bounty for MacOS M1 Ultra miner:
Bounty - 1 BTC + 100 Grin ツ for a MacOS M1 C32 Open Source Miner with ≥0.5 Gps, offered by Cuckoo Cycle author by Grin Core developer Dr. J.Tromp.
*You can join and contact via forum for the bounties.
Development PR
There are 114 issues at mimblewimble/grin and 72 issues at mimblewimble/grin-wallet.
* Merged PR
Request for comments
Payjoins Support by Phyro.
Safe Cancel by Tromp.
Early Payment Proofs by Tromp.
Auth slates by Renzokuken.
Multiple Named Wallets by Sheldonth.
Multisignature Outputs by GeneFerneau.
Atomic Swaps by GeneFerneau.
Manual Confirmation of Transaction by DavidTavarez.
Python cffi secp256k1-zkp wrapper bounty UNLOCKED for nicolasflamel1.
Request for funding dtavarez accepted.
Request for funding cekickafa accepted.
Request for funding satoshocrat accepted.
Request for funding test miner tax bill accepted.
Minimalism in spending of the Community Council for discussion.
Grin Meme Contest started.
The next bi-weekly development meeting is scheduled for Tue January 17 @ 10:00 UTC in grincoin#general on Keybase. You can add topics to the agenda & review past meeting notes
For more info and links about GRIN, with up-to-date developments and materials,
visit GrinCC ↘️
Grin is an opensource project, everybody is free to contribute and join. Thanks to all contributors.
Grin ツ is the original implementation of MimbleWimble.
This newsletter is written by @grinpost. Any views, materials, expressed opinions are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project. Any feedback, news or other suggestions, please email: grinpost@protonmail.com.
**Useful Links;