CoinmarketCap published a video about privacy & MimbleWimble out of nowhere, you can watch on youtube and make no mistake;
GRIN is the Original MimbleWimble, MimbleWimble is GRIN ツ
Ipollo Grin ASIC's manufacturer showcased G1 home miners at an ASIC conference in Singapore.
GRINCC Code of Conduct has been published a general set of rules for a better, solid GRIN community.
Our Pledge
This code of conduct is intended to create a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for everyone involved in the decentralized cryptocurrency community. By following these guidelines, we can help to ensure that the community is a place where everyone can feel comfortable participating and contributing.
As individuals who are part of this community, we collectively commit to ensuring that all participants have an experience free from any form of harassment. This commitment extends to individuals of all ages, body sizes, visible or invisible disabilities, ethnic backgrounds, sex characteristics, gender identities and expressions, levels of experience, educational backgrounds, socio-economic statuses, nationalities, personal appearances, races, religions, and sexual identities and orientations.
We are committed to engaging in actions and fostering interactions that actively contribute to the establishment and maintenance of an open, inclusive, diverse, and healthy community.
MEME Contest is continuing, you can donate ツ , or contribute with your MEME and win. This event will end on September 30th.
There are 122 issues at mimblewimble/grin and 72 issues at mimblewimble/grin-wallet.
MWixnet merged Multi-server support & Generate ephemeral pubkeys randomly for each server#20 , PR still under review.
Open Bounty opportunities
Grin Bulletin Board: Discussing three options and select one for bounty:
Design and code previously-introduced idea for Grin Bulletin Board or create your own.
Audit the Atomic Swap repo for functionality and completeness:
If interested, reach out on the forum (, introduce yourself and begin discussion today!
1 BTC bounty for MacOS M1 Ultra miner:
Bounty - 1 BTC + 100 Grin ツ for a MacOS M1 C32 Open Source Miner with ≥0.5 Gps, offered by Cuckoo Cycle author by Grin Core developer Dr. J.Tromp.
Offline Wallet Grant. 30,000 grin will be given to anyone who can develop an offline wallet feature that can be integrated into Android/iPhone mobile devices.
10k ツ bounty for a Wordpress plugin to be used Grin payment on Wordpress Woocommerce platform.
You can join and contact via forum for the bounties.
There are 3 candidates for GRINCC membership, the election period is still going, you can cast your vote on forum until 22nd SEPTEMBER
Cekickafa has become representative of GrinCC member mwgrin_fr.
The next bi-weekly development meeting is scheduled for Tue September 26 @ 10:00 UTC.
grincoin#general on Keybase. You can add topics to the agenda & review past meeting notes
Grin ツ is the original implementation of MimbleWimble.
This newsletter is written by @Cobragrin. Any views, materials, expressed opinions are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project. Any feedback, news or other suggestions, please email:
**Useful Links;
Just GRIN ツ