"No ICO, pre-mine or funny business."
Grin ツ is an open-source, decentralized cryptocurrency, build and led by grassroot community. That means that Grin is a cryptocurrency that is developed and maintained by a community of volunteers. And there is only one mission building ‘‘better money ‘‘
Mwixnet: Dev scilio made a PR to review the final phase of the Coinswap implementation. From #devchannel
‘‘This PR resolves the largest of the remaining tasks for CoinSwap Milestone 3’’
‘I still want to add a document that describes how the servers communicate with each other, but I have decent documentation around the swap api that users will be calling, and the onion encryption process is now well documented. ‘‘
Mwixnet is a 'trustless' Mimblewimble CoinSwap service, in which users input data about their own spending during the day (or hour, or any other period chosen), which is then validated, aggregated, and published at the end of the day. The transaction graph would be significantly obfuscated when it is used on a widespread scale by the protocol. Privacy and fungibility improvements are on the way for the Grin ツ blockchain.
For newcomers, who wants to learn about Coinswap, visit forum page.
Miscellanous News
Ledger no longer safe? Latest discussion about Nano Ledger Hardware firm exporting the seed from a hardware wallet and keeping it in encrypted, sharded form at several custodial companies. Join Forum for more info.
A grin community member recently built his own Grin website, check it and share your toughts and feedback as a community member.
Disclaimer : Grin.mw is the main site still. Since Grin is a decentralized community, everybody can free to do. There is no central authority or firm, use at for your own risk.
This is not an endorsement.
Hotbit exchange is closed down. If you have coins there, move funds to your wallet ASAP. And dont forget ‘Not your keys, not your coins’
Updating the grin.mw page . Forum discussion and generating ideas about updating grin.mw site. Still feedback is expected from community. Please share your toughts and contribute.
CC Fund: expenses, responsibilities, spending guidelines and follow-up processes open discussion within community.
Community-driven Grin Mimblewimble refers to the fact that the development and adoption of Grin is driven by a community of volunteers, rather than a centralized organization. This means that anyone can contribute to the project, and that the project is not beholden to any particular interests. Community participation in decision making, testing, and helping is essential for effective governance of Grin ツ and forward progress.
Open Bounty opportunities
Grin Bulletin Board: Discussing three options and select one for bounty:
Design and code previously-introduced idea for Grin Bulletin Board or create your own.
Audit the Atomic Swap repo for functionality and completeness:
If interested, reach out on the forum (https://forum.grin.mw), introduce yourself and begin discussion today!
1 BTC bounty for MacOS M1 Ultra miner:
Bounty - 1 BTC + 100 Grin ツ for a MacOS M1 C32 Open Source Miner with ≥0.5 Gps, offered by Cuckoo Cycle author by Grin Core developer Dr. J.Tromp.
Offline Wallet Grant. 30,000 grin will be given to anyone who can develop an offline wallet feature that can be integrated into Android/iPhone mobile devices.
You can join and contact via forum for the bounties.
There are 117 issues at mimblewimble/grin and 72 issues at mimblewimble/grin-wallet.
Request for comments.
Proposal of CC funds to be used as Bounties for completed work, made by any member of the community; approval by CC discussion is held at meeting.
@Satoshcrat refund demand from GrinCC about GK missing tasks.
Improving governance of funding request and tracking deliverables.
Addition of GK Grincc PR docs/agenda access rights for managing.
The next bi-weekly development meeting is scheduled for Tue JUNE 06 @ 10:00 UTC in
grincoin#general on Keybase. You can add topics to the agenda & review past meeting notes
Grin is an opensource project, everybody is free to contribute and join. Thanks to all contributors.
Grin ツ is the original implementation of MimbleWimble.
This newsletter is written by @Cobragrin. Any views, materials, expressed opinions are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project. Any feedback news or other suggestions, please email: grinpost@protonmail.com.
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