i1skn, a long-time Grin contributor who also designed the Grin mobile wallet Ironbelly, has chosen to quit development and support for the project.
As a Grin community, we are grateful to him; he created an excellent mobile wallet for both Android and iOS. Thank you again for all of your time and effort in our community.
MWixnet - async/await and reorg protection pull request.
Revert "build: update grin libs and related dependencies at lock file.
converted to async/.await to support integration testing framework.
basic reorg protection.
randomized reorg check timer & swap_tx_not_found test.
GUI Wallet has 20 issues.
mimblewimble/grin pr has 125 issues.
mimblewimble/grin-wallet has 73 issues.
Mwixnet has 4 issues.
Mimblewimble-py has 7 issues.
Forum Community events
Community member noniamw opened a Grinツ merch store, it has a big variety of logos and memes available all as stickers, and with a few designs having shirts, mugs, etc. All profits will be used to buy Grin and then donated to the dev fund.
Community member traal shared his immersion mining set up details with a photo. That is very interesting, worth to check it out!
** Visit https://forum.grin.mw/ for more ツ community news **
Grin Bulletin Board: Discussing three options and select one for bounty:
Design and code previously-introduced idea for Grin Bulletin Board or create your own.
Audit the Atomic Swap repo for functionality and completeness:
If interested, reach out on the forum (https://forum.grin.mw), introduce yourself and begin discussion today!
1 BTC bounty for MacOS M1 Ultra miner:
Bounty - 1 BTC + 100 Grin ツ for a MacOS M1 C32 Open Source Miner with ≥0.5 Gps, offered by Cuckoo Cycle author by Grin Core developer Dr. J.Tromp.
Offline Wallet Grant. 30,000 grin will be given to anyone who can develop an offline wallet feature that can be integrated into Android/iPhone mobile devices.
10k ツ bounty for a Wordpress plugin to be used Grin payment on Wordpress Woocommerce platform.
‘‘You can join and contact via forum for the bounties.’’
No decision.
The next bi-weekly development meeting is scheduled for Tue April 23 @ 14:30 UTC.
grincoin#general on Keybase. You can add topics to the agenda & review past meeting notes
Grin ツ is an opensource, decentralized project, everybody is free to join and contribute. Thanks to all contributors.
Just GRIN ツ