mimblewimble / grin-wallet upgraded. Release v5.2.0-beta.1
Do not prompt for password to start owner API by @davidtavarez in #656*
Remove method from grin-wallet.yml and from adapters by @s7500 in #658
by @yeastplume in #654Remove grin lib re-exports from util crate by @yeastplume in #661
Transaction pagination + full query arguments by @yeastplume in #666
Manual update and verification of prettytable-rs update by @yeastplume in #674
CI update - Ubuntu Image by @yeastplume in #679
Fix build error with Rust 1.71.0 by @quentinlesceller in #684
Update sysinfo crate to 0.29.6 by @yeastplume in #685
Cargo lock update by @yeastplume in #689
Replace Azure Pipelines with Github Actions by @quentinlesceller in #688
Update CI Badge on README.MD by @quentinlesceller in #690
Trigger CI on push and pull request by @quentinlesceller in #693
Update versioning to 5.2.0-beta.1 against grin 5.2.0-beta.3 by @yeastplume in #691
New Grin Contributers
@sheldonth made their first contribution in #629
@davidtavarez made their first contribution in #656
* Recent cargo updates and fixes for Rust 1.7
* Fix leading zeroes bugs #3763
NEWS merchant store which you can buy items with your Grins has been opened. Some community members has already bought some items succesfully. Wish you many more sales to shop owner noobvie !
Traditional MEME Contest starts.
Grin MEME contest started, if you want to contribute; post MEMEs related Grin. Rules are simple.
The rules:
You can share any kind of meme you made that involves Grin.
Prices are distributed based on total accumulative likes for memes.
The meme contest ends at September 30, when all votes/likes are counted.
For more info, visit FORUM.
Open Bounty opportunities
Grin Bulletin Board: Discussing three options and select one for bounty:
Design and code previously-introduced idea for Grin Bulletin Board or create your own.
Audit the Atomic Swap repo for functionality and completeness:
If interested, reach out on the forum (, introduce yourself and begin discussion today!
1 BTC bounty for MacOS M1 Ultra miner:
Bounty - 1 BTC + 100 Grin ツ for a MacOS M1 C32 Open Source Miner with ≥0.5 Gps, offered by Cuckoo Cycle author by Grin Core developer Dr. J.Tromp.
Offline Wallet Grant. 30,000 grin will be given to anyone who can develop an offline wallet feature that can be integrated into Android/iPhone mobile devices.
10k ツ bounty for a Wordpress plugin to be used Grin payment on Wordpress Woocommerce platform.
You can join and contact via forum for the bounties.
There are 121 issues at mimblewimble/grin and 72 issues at mimblewimble/grin-wallet.
Request for comments.
Election process of new Community council members is on going within community.
On community channels, possible candidates and eligibility requirements are discussed.
Council member election guidelines has been drafted and under review period.
The next bi-weekly development meeting is scheduled for Tue AUGUST 29 @ 10:00 UTC in
grincoin#general on Keybase. You can add topics to the agenda & review past meeting notes

Grin ツ is the original implementation of MimbleWimble.
This newsletter is written by @Cobragrin. Any views, materials, expressed opinions are personal and do not represent an official position of the Grin project. Any feedback, news or other suggestions, please email:
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